She undergoes C-section without anesthesia and sues for $5million damages

A horror she will never forget. The 25-year-old mother had a caesarean section without anesthesia at a California hospital.

She is suing the court and is claiming $5 million in damages.

She did not expect such an act of barbarity during her delivery last November.

A 41-week-old speaker, Delphina Mota showed up at Oceanside’s Tri-City Medical Center to get the job done.

Installed, the young mother-to-be received an epidural to perform a vaginal delivery.

Everything was fine until the baby’s heartbeat was no longer detectable.

There, the doctor made the decision to do an emergency caesarean section.

Caesarean section practiced live: “I fainted with pain.”

The anesthetist has been beeped several times according to the indictment.

Delphina Mota says she even heard the doctor repeat “Beepez, continue to beeper” but without success.

The mother was therefore “attached” to the operating table to use her words.

“Because the anesthetist was not present, I made a Pfannenstiel incision with a scalpel, cutting the skin up to the fascia, then the rectus abdominus (abdominal muscle) through a midline incision,” says the doctor in his report.

“When I felt it, I screamed at the top of my lungs, stop, I feel everything, I feel everything…. And after that I fainted with pain” the mother tells NBC.

The baby’s father, held behind the door by a nurse, reveals to the Peoplesite that he has “heard the most terrifying screams you can ever imagine”.

A physical and emotional trauma that will forever mark their life. After this horrible delivery, the mother took a long time to recover.

Fortunately, their little girl Cali, now 7 months old, is doing very well. She is healthy and smiles all the time.

The story ends well and proves that moms are really strong and brave! Nevertheless, for negligence and malpractice, the family filed a complaint against the establishment and claimed $5 million in damages.

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