Simple habits that hurt your dating success

We cannot control how people around us perceive us. But it is in our power to structure our behavior in such a way as to appear more attractive, especially when it comes to communicating with girls. Several habits reduce your chances of success with women. Eliminate them to make making acquaintances easier and find a relationship that will make you happy.
5 Simple habits that hurt your dating success
1. You’re canceling plans to meet her

Sometimes, your schedule and a girl’s free time may differ. You are two adults engaged in work, personal affairs, and social activities, and you need to accept it. Unfortunately, you can make the mistake of saying, “Well, I had plans to go out with friends, but I’ll just cancel them to spend time with you.” Be sure that she won’t appreciate your gesture, even if you think so.
This behavior looks intrusive for a girl who has never met you or has not spent much time with you. In addition, only some people like to become a priority, and because of this, other significant relationships and aspects of life suffer. And in such a situation, a girl may feel guilty that your friends will not be able to spend time with you. Confident guys who seem attractive, deeply value their friendships, and keep their word.
Therefore, it is worth telling the girl I planned to meet with my friends on the day she offered to meet. If she doesn’t understand you and doesn’t want to try at least to reschedule the date, it’s worth thinking about: is it worth wasting time on a person who finds it difficult to compromise even on such a simple issue? When a girl is interested in you, she will be ready to make plans even for the next week and will not miss the opportunity to see you.
2. You say that nothing is happening to you
When a girl asks about your plans for a specific day or weekend, you say, “Nothing special” or “Nothing in general.” And this is the worst possible answer. Using it instantly makes you seem like a boring guy you don’t want to spend time with.
Besides, you’re always busy with something, even if you don’t notice it. Instead of answering that you don’t have any plans, it’s better to write honestly: “I wanted to watch a movie in the evening” or “Planned a grand cleaning of the house.” Depending on what activity you wrote about, the girl may either want to join you or respect you as a person who devotes time to important and valuable things, including them in her schedule.
3. Your date suggestions are multiple

Let’s say your business with the girl you like is going well. She wants to communicate with you; you are ready to ask her. Of course, I want her to answer “yes” to your proposal. But if you think the best option is to offer to meet on Saturday, Monday, or Wednesday to choose, then you are mistaken. Why? You clarified that you have much free time and are ready to build your schedule around her.
As a rule, we find attractive people who are busy and passionate about something. It scares women that you suddenly make them your only priority, especially if you barely know each other. So if you invite a girl somewhere, choose a specific day. It will show that you value your time, and she can’t just get you whenever she wants. If the day you suggested doesn’t suit her, discuss the options. But to offer her a choice right away is to condemn her idea to failure.
4. Too much openness in plans
Another mistake that shows you have nothing interesting in life is leaving plans too open. You can text a girl the phrase “Just let me know when you’re free to have coffee” or “Tell me when you can meet.” By doing so, you don’t seem too persistent, and besides, you’re forcing her to take responsibility for contacting you and scheduling a meeting.
Most women don’t like doing this. They want the guy to behave confidently and know precisely what he wants. So, make specific plans and declare them openly. If the girl has any problems, be ready to reschedule the date for another day.
5. You are aimlessly sending messages

Most likely, you don’t like it when you receive text messages that are empty chatter. “Hi, how are you?” It’s nice to hear this question occasionally but not to listen to it daily, especially if the correspondence ends with your answer.
In order not to look uninitiated and insecure in the eyes of a girl, first think about the purpose of communication and only then write messages. For example, you can learn about her plans to share something interesting. Boring conversations that lead to nothing are a great way to kill a girl’s interest and be left with nothing.