Somalia: a woman stoned to death for marrying eleven husbands

A woman was stoned to death on Wednesday, May 9, in Somalia after a court led by militant group Al-Shabab found her guilty of eleven husbands.
Residents of the city of Sablale in under Shabelle region gathered to witness the stoning of the woman named Shukri Abdullahi, 30 years old.
Shukri Abdullahi Warsame has been accused of getting married 11 times without divorcing her previous husbands. She was buried to the neck and stoned to death by Al-Shabab fighters, say residents of the city of Sablale.
“Shukri Abdullahi and nine husbands, including her legal husband, were brought to court, each saying that she was their wife,” Mohamed Usama, the governor of Al Shabaab in the Lower Shabelle region, told Reuters.
According to Islamic law, polyandry “a woman with more than one husband” is illegal, but men are allowed to marry up to four wives.
Al Shabaab is fighting to impose Islamic law in Somalia. The courts set up by the activists do not allow legal representation or appeal. Activists are known to inflict severe physical punishment for what they consider religious offenses.
They inflicted brutal punishment for religious offenses. They go so far as to cut the members of so-called thieves.
Many men and women lost their lives in these disastrous conditions.