Stairway or tore tight? Gucci sells tights with ladders

“Is that a hole in your tights or the stairway to heaven?” In the category of bad opening sentences, we have heard all of these pass by.

However, in Gucci’s case, it is the stairway to a tinkling cash register because their expensive tights with ladder sell like hotcakes.

“To the person who paid 162 euros for these ripped Gucci stockings. Is everything fine?”

For example, the popular Instagram account Diet Prada laughed with the latest launch of the fashion house. Maybe there was a mistake somewhere in the factory, and the brand did not want to throw away clothes for ecological reasons.

Maybe the courier got caught in transit during the transport. Or perhaps it just becomes the new trend. The pantyhose may be the subject of a lot of scoffing laughter, at Gucci themselves, they do not see any g(r)ate in them because, in the meantime, the stockings are sold out almost everywhere.

It is not the first time that Gucci has come up with a remarkable piece of clothing. Earlier this year, they launched jeans with artificial grass stains, and last year they presented a backpack holder for… your pillow.

Stairway or tore tight? Gucci sells tights with ladders

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