The least and most corrupt countries in African

Several African nations are visibly making great efforts to become among the least corrupt countries in the world. This is reflected in the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) for 2019 released by Transparency International.

A total of three African countries have done very well in the fight against corruption and become the least African corrupt countries on the list. Among the 180 countries ranked by the organization, they are also among the 50 least corrupt in the world.

Firstly, the Seychelles Islands are in 27th place. This African country is, therefore, the least corrupt country on the continent and even ahead of countries such as Spain and Portugal. The archipelago is followed by Botswana and Cape Verde, which occupy 34th and 41st place respectively on the list.

Several other African countries are regarded as models of anti-corruption work by Transparency International. Rwanda and Namibia follow each other on this list and are in 51st place.

Mauritius is in 56th place. In North Africa, some countries have lost the position they formerly occupied. Algeria and Egypt are 106th on the list. Morocco, meanwhile, has dropped seven points and is now 80th. Tunisia is first in the region and is in 74th place.

The least and most corrupt countries in African

The most highly corrupt countries in African are not left out of the ranking. In West Africa, Nigeria is one of the masters, according to Transparency International, and ranks 146th. Chad 162nd, Burundi 165th, Congo 165th, DRC 168th.

The NGO recommends that African countries intensify their efforts to protect human rights by promoting freedom of expression and the right of journalists to exercise their profession.

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