The moon will be visited by a woman for the first time

The first space tourist will be the eccentric Japanese billionaire and art connoisseur Yusaku Maezawa (42). In 2023 he takes place in the Big Falcon Rocket of Elon Musk, for a commercial moon flight. Yesterday he announced that his traveling party will also consist of women.
Maezawa, who christened his lunar voyage and art project ‘#dearMoon’, would like to take six to eight artists on board, such as a photographer, musician, sculptor or fashion designer. And all that at his expense. Although money turns out to be no problem: for a return lunar, the space tourist already pays 65 to 150 million euros according to different sources. According to business magazine ‘Forbes’, his assets are estimated at almost 3 billion euros, so the Japanese will certainly not have to eat a sandwich for the next five years.
Maezawa thus becomes the 25th man to honour the moon with a visit, more than fifty years after Neil Armstrong left his footprint. If everything goes according to plan “the rocket still to be built goes into the air” the moon will also receive the visit of a woman for the first time in history. That was what the Japanese himself announced on Twitter yesterday. Which artist he has invited for his project is not known, nor is it about one or more women. Also, other travel companions are not yet known.
Placing their footprint next to Armstrong’s does not do Yusaku and friends. They do circle in orbit around the moon barely 200 kilometres away. The entire journey will take about seven days.
#dearMoon project may include the world’s first female moon traveler(s)!!
— Yusaku Maezawa (MZ) 前澤友作 (@yousuck2020) September 22, 2018