The nicest and craziest records from The Guinness Book of Records 2019

Every year The Guinness Book of Records appears on the bookshelves, full of impressive and sometimes a bit bizarre record breaker.
Here you will find an overview of the best and craziest records from the 2019 edition.
Most body modifications (man)
Holes in your ears, lip or nose piercing here and there, no one is still aware of it. But German Rolf Bucholz often makes people look strange when he walks by, with his 516 piercings and implants, including two horns on his forehead. In addition, it is also fully tattooed. In 2010 he was the record holder for most piercings, but now he can add a new merit to his record.
The largest knitting needles in the world
As if knitting was not complicated enough, the British art student Betsy Bond decided to tinker knitting needles measuring 4 m and 42 cm. The needles are part of an art project from Bond and were not necessarily made with a functional purpose in mind, but perhaps they can be useful to knit the largest scarf in the world.
The oldest DJ in the world
Cute old female during the day, hip DJ at night. Sumiko Iwamura, or DJ Sumirock, holds the record for the oldest professional DJ in the world, at 83 years (and 6 months). She plays records at Shinjuku in Tokyo, Japan at least once a month. We regret that there is no record for coolest grandmother, because she could also win.
The longest football with the soles of the feet in the air on the roof of a moving car
For 93 seconds, the Brit Ash Randall held a soccer ball on the balls of his feet. That does not sound that long, if you do not know that he was lying on a moving car.
Most backflips already fire-breathing in a minute
It seems something that is only possible in a crazy Hollywood movie. Nevertheless, Brit Ryan Luney managed to do 14 backflips during one minute and at the same time to fire out. Fire could not kill a dragon, he must have thought while jumping through the air. Do not try this at home.
Most dice balanced on cat paw
Not only people fall in the prices, pets also participate. Bibi, a cat from Malaysia, stacked nine dice on his paw. Well done, Bibi! Mi-wow!
Most hula hoops run on different body parts
For some, only one hula hoop has been run for a long time, let alone several. However, this is not a problem for the German Dunja Kuhn, who turned 59 hula hoops around different parts of the body, as can be seen on the photo.
Most jumps by a dog and person with one rope for one minute
Rachael Grylls and her faithful four-legged friend jumped together 59 times. A nice idea for who wants to teach his dog a new trick.
Source: The Guinness Book of Records