These African proverbs will inspire you

Oh! I haven’t actualized all my dream this year, is not yet over. With these African proverbs, you can still regain your hope, aspire for more, or get a dose of consolations.

The year 2020 is not favourable to many countries or their citizens. From locust invasion in East Africa that destroyed food crops or the Coronavirus that devastated many countries’ economies, took people’s lives, and landed some people into jobless. Despite that, we never forget its lockdown effects and its adjustment to our daily plans.

With other natural disasters happening or bombing and killing in various regions, we still hope that everything will return to good someday. Yet as high as a bird flies, it ends up landing.

These African proverbs not only inspire us but make one rethink.

  1. Each river has its own source.
  2. The shortest way to get from one point to another is not a straight line, but a dream.
  3. Cows lick each other because they know each other.
  4. One man can start a war, but it takes two to make peace.
  5. The river may be dry, but it keeps its name.
  6. Even with 9 women, you can’t have a baby in a month.
  7. He who plows in the sun will eat in the shade.
  8. Without a guide, the path alone will not lead you to where you would like to go.
  9. If you want to move mountains tomorrow, you have to start lifting stones today.
  10. He who learns without acting, plows without sowing.
  11. The roaming hen will never cease to haunt the yard where the food is generous to her.
  12. If you want to know what’s in the heart, refer to the face.
  13. Even at night, the milk is white.
  14. It is not the day of the hunt that you should breed a dog.
  15. An empty bag cannot stand likewise empty brain.
  16. Laziness goes so slowly that soon misery has reached it.
  17. It is by trying again and again that the monkey learns to grow.
  18. Faults are like a hill you climb your own and you only see those of others.
  19. If you hit your head against a jug and it sounds hollow, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the jug is empty.
  20. Sit at the foot of a tree and over time you will see the Universe scrolling past you.
  21. The bee does not get its honey from a single plant.
  22. What is written on the forehead, the hand cannot erase.
  23. Your ignorance harms you more than your poverty.
  24. The days are many but they are thwarted by one.
  25. Before slandering, turn to look behind you.
  26. Do not look at the place where you fell, rather look at the place where you hit yourself.
  27. If someone bit you, they reminded you that you have teeth.
  28. If you set fire to the bush and the plain, where will you go to live?
  29. Before slandering, turn to look behind you.
  30. He who far realizes his sorrow at the top of the hill

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