These phrases betray a weak and insecure person

Fear of being betrayed, feeling weak, or insecure in a relationship poses a significant threat in any relationship, but some phrases make it more vulnerable to the other half.
When a person is disrespectful and no longer taken seriously, he blames others and their bad manners. However, this situation is partly provoked by the “victim” himself. And he can also fix it on his own. For example, listening to what and how he says: perhaps he uses words that characterize him as a weak and insecure person? We will consider seven such examples in detail in this article.
“Sorry” for the fact that I exist
Admitting guilt is the behavior of a strong person, but apologizing for no reason is a clear sign of insecurity. Many people do not even realize this, and over time, “sorry” becomes a parasite word for them, which is used in any situation: “Excuse me, can I ask?”, “I beg your pardon, can I take you for a second?” and so on. In this case, it ceases to be polite and starts to annoy others. Therefore, such constructions are best used when they are appropriate.
“Nobody understands anything about this!”
This is a common problem when a person cannot cope with something and, to psychologically alleviate his failure, calls the problem unsolvable in principle. However, if you did not understand something or could not do it, this does not mean that no one can cope. A strong person will directly say that he does not know how or does not want, since we talk specifically about him and his abilities. Do not be afraid to show that you do not understand something – the gaps can always be filled, but changing the prevailing opinion is much more difficult.
“It’s not my fault; it’s all his”
In ordinary people, this behavior is called “to translate the arrows.” When a person is accused of something, it is always easier to blame someone else, but this is wrong. If it’s not your fault, calmly explain the situation. It’s not worth talking about those who are guilty at all – it is better to offer a solution immediately.
For example, a colleague made a mistake, and you are accused of it. The wrong option is to poke your finger at him immediately. A good one is to calmly describe what happened and tell you how you can fix it. As a result, bosses will begin to respect you for your ability to act in a stressful situation, and colleagues will not consider you a coward and will know that they can rely on you.
“Can I?..”
Many people begin a phrase with these words, referring to a waiter or a shop assistant, but why do they do this? It is enough to say what you need, and the words will sound much more convincing, and the addressee will immediately understand what you want.
“I hate to get bored, but…”
By saying this, you openly admit that you regularly interfere with someone, and you know about it. It also indicates doubts about what you want to say or offer. If you think you are annoying – don’t say anything, and when you are going to speak on the matter – talk as it is. Doubtful and lengthy introductions are unnecessary in this case.
“No, I don’t deserve it”
This is often said in response to praise or compliments, even if they are expressed in the case. If you are told that you are great, you look good, you did a great job, or something similar, accept it. The person who praised you does not need to know about your self-esteem problems – here, it is more appropriate to remain silent and start working to ensure that these words do not even pop up in your head.
“It’s my pleasure” These words in themselves are meaningless: if you were thanked for something, then you did something. Even if this is a trifle, thank you in any case for a reason. There is no need to belittle your merits, as it gradually becomes a habit. As a result, they begin to take your help for granted and say “thank you” just for show, knowing that there is nothing to thank you for.
Note that there is a fine line between the words of a confident and arrogant person, which is necessary not to cross. It would help if you were taken seriously and cannot be “put on the neck” but not overdo it, becoming selfish and arrogant.