Things to know before dating an independent woman

Independent women are distinguished by perseverance, confidence, and knowing their worth. Because of their approach to life and values, showing vulnerability in a relationship and falling in love can be difficult.

But this does not mean that such women do not deserve love and happiness. If you like an independent girl, you can take a chance and win her heart. To do this, it is important to learn about some important things before you ask her out.

9 Things to know before dating an independent woman

1. She values her time and energy

As a rule, independent women are hardworking. They are willing to work hard to achieve their goals and do not like wasting their time and energy, especially on unsuccessful relationships.

An independent girl will not rush into the pool of love with her head and believe everything you tell her. She will look at you for a long time and maybe even check you out before she agrees to date you or start a relationship.

It’s easier for her to look at you and understand who you are instead of wasting time and energy on relationships that may not suit her. You should respect such a rational approach to life and not give up if you realize that you like an independent girl.

2. She is afraid to jeopardize her independence

Independence comes with incredible difficulty. It is unlikely that a girl will want to take the risk and contact someone who wants to change her or “fix” this character trait. Of course, she does not want to be alone and constantly takes responsibility if she is in a relationship. But being led or dependent on a man is unacceptable for her.

To get the attention of an independent, strong woman, you need to show her that you will not control her every step and will not force her to give up her goals, career, and plans. Moreover, you will have to let her know you are ready for this and back up your words with actions.

3. She’d rather be alone than with the wrong person

Any of us wants to be with the right person. But in search of a couple, we act in different ways. For example, some people quickly enter into relationships and easily leave them if they understand that the partner is not the one they need, while others look closely for a long time and never commit rash acts.

Independent women belong to the second type of people. An independent girl will not agree to a serious relationship after a couple of dates, especially if she is not sure you are right. It’s easier for her to be alone than with the wrong person.

She is not afraid to stay alone for a long time while looking for a suitable partner, but she is scared of making a mistake that will cost her nerves and time. You must be patient and work hard to prove she will be happy with you.

4. She may not be ready for the “next step”

An independent girl may not believe long-term relationships are the key to her happiness and well-being. She may want love but simultaneously be unprepared for seriousness and moving to the “next level” after dating.

Her biggest fear is not that she will be abandoned or deceived. She is afraid that a serious relationship will pull her down or force her to abandon the goals she has set for herself. So, an independent woman can be selective and unhurried regarding potential relationships.

Therefore, to get a family and children quickly, you should be honest: maybe the girl you like doesn’t need it. Of course, it can be painful to get rejected by her, but it will help save you time and help you look for someone who will look in the same direction as you.

5. She doesn’t like drama

The worst thing you can do when you meet an independent girl is to prove yourself the king of drama. She won’t like it at all, and all your hopes for a relationship will collapse in one moment. Why? Independent girls like an organized and calm approach to life, as they already have enough things that bring worries and tension. They don’t need gossip and the extra stress that drama leads to.

6. Her horrific past may influence your connection

People become strong and independent for a reason. Often, these personality traits are a consequence of pain and traumatic experiences, which can affect one’s approach to life and relationships. Maybe the girl had a partner who cheated on her and betrayed her, and now she doesn’t trust other guys too easily.

Such things leave long-term scars on the soul, forcing it to defend itself from new emotional traumas. So, independence can be her “armor,” helping to prevent the repetition of unpleasant experiences.

To win the heart of an independent girl and earn her trust, you will have to prove that you are worthy of her love and confident in the seriousness of your intentions.

7. She worries about being exploited

An independent girl is proud of her hard work and independence. At the same time, she may be afraid that guys will not want to date her because of sincere feelings but because they want to use her. Hardly anyone likes the feeling of being sat on his neck.

A girl with independence will not start a relationship if she feels her partner is not hardworking and does not strive for more. She needs to know that a potential chosen one can be relied on and that he will not use her hard work, money, and connections to survive.

8. She is afraid of being rejected

The life of an independent woman consists of obstacles that must be overcome. She may seem strong, confident, and even cold-blooded, but deep down, she may fear rejection. It is not uncommon for independent girls to perceive rejection as a very personal criticism.

So, when starting a relationship with such a woman, you must watch your words and actions. You will not be able to promise something and then take back your words unless, of course, you want to hurt the feelings of your beloved.

9. She will always protect her children

If an independent woman is raising a child alone, she has a great responsibility and wants to protect her children from pain. She may not allow herself to fall in love, fearing that the relationship will not work out and it will harm her children.

It is also not uncommon for independent girls to get to know someone, but they are in no hurry to introduce a newly chosen one to a child until they are sure they can trust him.

Another fear that can affect a relationship with an independent girl is the realization that not all men treat other people’s children well. She may be afraid that everything will be fine in the relationship at first, but over time, the new partner will turn out to be cruel or intolerant to her child.

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