Uganda: President ban oral sex, says “the mouth is to eat, not for oral sex”

The President of Uganda said he would like to ban people from practicing oral sex because “the mouth is made to eat”. President Yoweri Museveni accused “foreigners” of trying to convince Ugandans to have oral sex with each other and said he would issue a public “warning” about it.
Strictly and categorically, with a strict statement, Uganda’s president, Joveri Museveni, declares his opposition to oral sex. In particular, the president threw the blame on the “foreigners” who are trying to persuade the citizens of his country to act with which they are vertically opposed
He told the press
“Let’s take the opportunity to publicly warn our people about the wrong practices promoted by some of the strangers. One of these is what they call oral sex. The mouth is to eat, not for sex. We know the genitals match,” Museveni said in the Daily Mail.
This is not the first time the Ugandan president has been reacting with his statements but also his decisions as in 2014, he had signed a law banning homosexuality in the country. From then on, a prison sentence is imposed for those gay arrested on the ground, while criminally prosecuted and those who do not condemn someone to be homosexual.
When he introduced that law, Museveni had said about oral sex: “If you put your mouth there to fill in worms that will get into your stomach, because the mouth is the wrong point,” he had said.