Uganda: Women demand payment from husbands for sex

At least 31,000 women in Uganda are no longer willing to have sex with their husbands without money.
They insist that if men do not want to take their responsibilities, they should pay to have sex with them.
They took this initiative after noticing that men spend a lot of their income on alcohol rather than on their wives and loved ones.
According to the Ugandan daily, The new version of what started with isolated cases in the country’s capital, Kampala, has become a national phenomenon.
The same newspaper reports that in 2015, 150 women had demanded payment from their husbands for sex.
Ruth Nalugwa, secretary of Mothers Union, an Anglican organization that has been in Uganda for more than a century, confirmed the facts. Several women’s and advocacy organizations in Uganda support this movement.
“If men are irresponsible and this is the only way their women can take money to run the household, let them do it,” says Tina Musuya, a women’s rights activist and executive director of the Center for Domestic Violence Prevention(CEDOVIP).
However, religious organizations and the government oppose this movement, which is considered “unfair” and “absurd”.
“Having sex with your wife is a right for men,” said Reverend Father Simon Lokodo, Ugandan Minister of Ethics and Integrity.
“Refusing sex to her husband is unfair. Why should wives ask money from husbands in exchange for sex? This practice is proof of profound moral degradation,” he added.