Ukrainian citizens training for Russian invasion

Ukrainian reservists are being trained for a possible Russian invasion in the forests around the capital Kyiv. “Every person in this country needs to know what to do if the enemy invades the country,” said 19-year-old student Daniil Larin, one of about 50 civilians who received training recently.

In recent weeks, dozens of Ukrainians have volunteered as reservists if the Russians invade the country. In total, there are now about 100,000 reservists.

The Ukrainian army has 215,000 soldiers who have been fighting the Russian-backed rebel army in the east of the country since 2014. The conflict has already killed 13,000 people.

Ukraine fears a Russian invasion as it builds up troops along the border between the two countries. The EU and the US also fear an attack. Moscow has dismissed reports of a possible invasion as an attempt to create unrest.

On Monday, it was announced that the US and Russia are planning a security meeting on January 10. Russian representatives would also meet with NATO and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) in the days that followed.

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