Untrained firefighters save 3 children from building using crude methods

Four untrained firefighters save three children that were trapped in a building that was on fire, using crude method: by application of water and detergents.

The heroes managed to crawled into the building with hose connected to a tanker. The tanker supplies water mixed with detergents (klin). Which was used to extinguished the fire and save those children, according to the poster.

The incident happened two days ago in Otolo, town in Nnewi, Anambra state of Nigeria. According to the Facebook user, who shared the story, he did not narrate how the fire got the building. But indicated how the ‘heroes’ “crawled into the building unprotected” and saved lives and stop the fire. On the picture below, you can see how a man were adding detergent into the water tank. While another man is with hose while climbing the story building to extinguish the fire.

The post has gone viral and shared by thousands of Facebook users. Then, but, thousands of users are thanking them for their actions through comments.

According the poster, he wrote that: “Never Under-Estimate the Ingenuity of an Igbo Man..” Adding that the incident happened “two days ago,” and “this building in Otolo Nnewi. It went up in flames with 3 Children trapped inside. The State Fire Service was called and they refused to respond to the distress call,” it sounds.

Then “this 4 Gallant Young Igbo Men mobilised and got two water tankers. Poured detergents into them, crawled into the building unprotected. And extinguished the fire and saved the children! These are the true Heroes of Nigeria who are deserving of our National Honours” he concludes.

Bellow are some pictures:

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