Voting day in Zimbabwe

Voting operations began in calm Monday in Zimbabwe.

Zimbabweans will go to the polls today for the first post-Mugabe general elections.

These elections are coupled: presidential, parliamentary and local.

This electoral test mobilized important observers including those of the European Union and the African Union.

It has been 16 years since EU and US observers were allowed to monitor elections in the country.

The previous elections have been marked by violence and intimidation, but the Zimbabwean government wants to show the world that the first post-Mugabe poll will be different.

Zimbabwean President Emerson Mnangagwa, one of the 23 presidential candidates, tweeted a message of peace as the country goes to the polls.

But the opposition alliance (MDC) suspects that the vote could be rigged, as has been the case in the past.

The key figures of the elections:

23 candidates are on the presidential bulletin

55 parties contest the parliamentary vote

43.5% of registered voters are under 35

10,985 polling stations

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