Three years after his departure from Houten in an electric car and with more than 95,000 kilometers and 33 countries behind him, the Dutch adventurer Wiebe Wakker has reached Sydney today. After 1,119 days, Wakker has written the longest journey ever in an electric car.
“The arrival was great, the adrenaline still runs through my body,” Wakker responded, accompanied by two helicopters and a procession of 50 electric cars through the streets of Sydney to the finish. “The parade had symbolic value for me. I have always traveled alone but am supported by hundreds of people who offered me their energy and with a goal to show the possibilities of electric mobility.”
Wakker left Houten on March 15, 2016. His route took him from the Netherlands via Western and Eastern Europe, the Middle East, India, and Southeast Asia, to Australia. At least two thousand people from more than forty countries offered him shelter and food through his website. But also in small villages, where due to a lack of internet residents hardly knew anything about his trip, all help was promised to him. “The unexpected support will stay with me the most. Amazing, but great to see that so many people are willing to help you selflessly.”
The car, a converted station wagon called the Blue Bandit, has a range of 200 kilometers. The original non-converted version is said to have used 6,785 liters of gasoline during the 95,000 km journey from Houten to Sydney. The Blue Bandit consumed 17-megawatt hours of electricity. This would normally have cost 2,355 euros, but Wiebe made it through the help of all the support offered to him with just 300 euros.
The biggest challenges facing Wakker were mainly logistical and technical. He says he has had no or hardly any problems mentally in those three years. “And when you embark on such a journey, you know that you will encounter challenges. Locals were often ready to help me when I needed help. Locals in India helped repair the car. Sometimes I was even given money when I faced a major repair. I am very grateful for all the help, it shaped me as a person.”