Were the pyramids ever underwater?

The entire area of Giza during the Flood fell into the water, some scientists say. If we consider true the statement that the Sphinx and the pyramids were built thousands of years before our era, then they should also have been flooded. Recently, this version received a new confirmation.
Among them is an analysis of the causes of erosion, which is hard to miss even in photographs of these objects. In fact: the broken nose of the Sphinx indicates that the stone from which it is made was very wet and then dried up in the hot conditions of the Egyptian desert.
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The fact that the ancient Egyptians could not build all this is also evidenced by the unusual location of the Great Pyramid. It faces the geographic north of the Earth with an error of only 1/60 of a degree.

To install the structure so accurately, it is not enough to have a compass, experts say. First, the magnetic pole does not coincide with the geographic one. Secondly, the magnetic pole constantly “wanders” around the planet.
Scientists believe that the pyramid was built, focusing on the constellation of Orion. However, even for this, it is necessary to have excellent astronomical instruments. Otherwise, the error will be much larger.
Finally, it is worth recalling the huge stones from which the pyramids are built. How they were delivered to Giza and how they were installed on top of each other is still not entirely clear, and disputes among scientists and amateurs do not stop.
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