WhatsApp ads from next year: this is how it will look

It’s really going to happen: there will be ads in WhatsApp. These are full-screen ads that work about the same as on Instagram and Facebook.

Parent company Facebook showed the advertisements yesterday during an event in Rotterdam.

The ads will only be shown in the status section of the app, the same as the Stories on Instagram and Facebook. For the time being, there will be nothing to see between the chat conversations.

A person present at the announcement posted various images from the presentation. That presentation was from a WhatsApp employee.

In addition to the advertisements in WhatsApp itself, Facebook will offer advertisers the opportunity to place a WhatsApp button under advertisements on Facebook and Instagram. This allows users to contact companies via WhatsApp following an advertisement on Facebook and Instagram.

Companies also get the opportunity to create pages within WhatsApp for products or services. It is also possible to make a catalog where companies can show all their goods.

WhatsApp ads from next year: this is how it will look
©Olivier Ponteville – This is how the ads on WhatsApp will look.

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