White House staffers immediately delete photos of Trump

When President Joe Biden arrives at his new residence and office later in the day, it will already be a busy time. Staff members immediately began furnishing their offices in the White House after the 46th President of the United States was installed.

A hallway with pictures of Trump still hanging was immediately cleared and hung with photos of Biden’s last speech in Delaware and of the corona commemoration in Washington Tuesday evening.

IT department staff were busy replacing equipment such as keyboards and monitors. In addition, each office receives a package of basic office supplies, a telephone list with the numbers and names of the various departments, and a card with procedures in case of an emergency.

Joe and Jill Biden and Kamala Harris and her husband Doug attended a memorial ceremony near the White House last night in memory of the hundreds of thousands of American corona deaths.
©AP – Joe and Jill Biden and Kamala Harris and her husband Doug attended a memorial ceremony near the White House last night in memory of the hundreds of thousands of American corona deaths.

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