Why do I procrastinate

You may waste a significant amount of time procrastinating rather than getting down to work. Your tendency for procrastination harms your emotional state and has gotten you into trouble. You can try several different to fight procrastination, but you should be aware that some of them will make things worse. We’ve compiled a list of your behaviours that cause you to procrastinate even more, contrary to your beliefs.

9 reasons why you procrastinate

1. You blame yourself for being lazy

First and foremost, you must stop viewing laziness as a bad aspect of your personality, a sign of weakness and inactivity. Laziness is frequently just a signal that it’s time to take a break if only for a few hours, to do something pointless but enjoyable. You’ve probably seen that your energy returns after a period of inactivity, and you approach work with renewed vigor and motivation.

Second, your attempts to convince yourself that you’re a slacker who can’t get it together and complete all of the crucial duties add to your dislike of doing anything. You’re placing too much pressure on yourself, and the result is the opposite what you expected. Give yourself a break and pay attention to your body’s requirements. If you sense the need to relax, schedule it, and don’t be hard on yourself.

2. You assess yourself in comparison to others

The more you compare yourself to others, the more likely you will delay. It makes sense: you notice how many others around you reach their goals faster, deal with similar challenges more readily, and can devote much more time to acquiring the essential knowledge and abilities. You feel like a complete loser in the face of such accomplished and determined people, and you should not even try to get near to the outcomes that others achieve.

Stop putting yourself in comparison to others. To begin with, your comparisons are distorted. Only those that are better, brighter, and stronger than you get your attention. Try comparing yourself to those who have accomplished less – you might be surprised at how much you have accomplished. Second, comparisons demotivate you. Move at a rate that is most convenient for you.

People differ in terms of their energy, strength, knowledge, and abilities. So it’s pointless to try to fit into someone else’s life rhythm; you’ll be disappointed with yourself and your ability.

3. You evaluate your success based on your productivity

It’s a big mistake to judge your success solely on your output. To begin with, productivity is an unpredictable metric. You can work out, go to the gym, find a hobby, and socialize today, but you’ll only have enough energy to crawl over to the couch and watch your favorite TV show tomorrow. There’s nothing wrong with it; you’ll receive different outcomes if you do your hardest every day. Accept this and quit crucifying yourself for not doing enough.

4. You are denying yourself the chance to pursue a passion

You can prevent yourself from doing whatever you enjoy by avoiding spending time, and energy on things that you believe are not moving you closer to your desired goal. You’ll give up your hobbies in the hopes of putting the money saved into their development and bettering your quality of life.

But this is a significant mistake: without activities that allow you to divert your attention away from your worries, relax, and express your inner feelings, you’ll run out of energy. As a result, you’ll find yourself procrastinating more frequently rather than becoming more productive. You’ll feel as if life is slipping away from you since you won’t allow yourself to do anything enjoyable instead of focusing solely on the practical.

5. You force yourself to ignore your resistance to taking action

Your unwillingness to accomplish anything can lead to procrastination. You might turn to placing pressure on yourself in this position, forcing yourself to do what needs to be done, violently lifting yourself off the sofa, criticizing yourself, or resorting to blackmail. All of this will harm you and your productivity because you will waste the rest of your resources motivating yourself rather than starting to complete the necessary activities. This will not yield any favorable outcomes.

It’s preferable just to accept your situation and rest for at least half an hour or an hour. It would help if you did not procrastinate yourself by being idle during this period; instead, do anything you wish. In this situation, you’ll be able to re-establish the balance of power and resume your scheduled activities after a little time of inactivity.

6. You’re asking your loved ones to help you stay motivated

In reaching any goal, never interfere with the people around you, especially if they are your family and friends. It’s one thing when you require their bodily or emotional assistance. It’s a different story when you want them to urge you to take action. This will not get you the results you want than to procrastinate, and it’ll probably ruin your relationship and make you even more discouraged. Use solely internal motivation – it’s the only choice that’s certain to work.

Learn to bargain with yourself rather than expect someone else to force you to do something you don’t want to.

7. You’re exaggerating your flaws

You can force yourself to do something by focusing on your flaws. For example, you may persuade yourself that if you get off the sofa and go for a run, you will stay the same weak, lazy who will never lose weight or get in shape. It appears to be the most effective motivation for getting you back on your feet and into serious employment. But this isn’t true; you’ll merely ruin your emotional state and make yourself feel disgusted.

If you try to inspire yourself by pointing out your flaws, you’ll do the opposite.

8. You make a conscious effort to let go of your fears

Because of your inner worries related to the activity, you procrastinate and frequently put off starting something until the last minute. You might be afraid of failing, being rejected, making a mistake, or receiving negative feedback. The more fearful you are, the less motivated you are to solve a problem or achieve a goal.

But, despite your unstable state, you can’t merely disregard your emotions and do what you’re afraid of. Every step of the way, your uncertainty about what to do will get in the way. Allow yourself time to figure out what’s generating your anxieties and fix the problem at its source rather than forcing yourself to forget about them. Only then will you be able to achieve your goals.

9. You drive yourself to act without a clear plan in mind

Even though you don’t have a specific plan of action, you may believe it is best to start doing something right away to reach a goal. This is yet another common mistake why you procrastinate. Consider how much time, effort, and money can be wasted on ineffective acts. Second, you won’t make any obvious progress and will lose motivation at the start of your journey if you don’t understand how and what you should be moving towards.

Allow yourself time to properly consider your approach before moving forward with implementing your ideas.

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