Why I impregnated my 15-year-old daughter, man gives reason

15-year-old girl get pregnant for her father after her father forced her and slept with her twice.

A motorcyclist, Ubong Ime, who said that “I fell in love with her” confessed that he did the act.

According to Punch, the incident occurred in the Iju district of Lagos State.

The 15-year-old lived with her mother in Uyo until 2015, when the father, who remarried, took her to Lagos to stay there.

Ime, who was arrested by police from the Iju Police Station in Lagos State, said he was in love with his daughter, adding that he had slept twice with her.

“Sometime in June 2018, my wife informed me that my daughter was pregnant after which we both called her to ask who was responsible for the pregnancy. She did not say anything, but I knew that I was the one who impregnated her and it happened in June. I fell in love with her and had sex with her two times,” Punch quoted the suspect to have said from police custody.

The 15-year-old, whose name was not made public, said her father first raped her one day when her mother-in-law prevented her from going to school after having accused of theft.

She said that her father, who claimed to punish her, had slept with her.

She said, “My stepmother always accused me of stealing her money and most times she beat me up. Sometime in June, my stepmother accused me of stealing her N200 and because of that, she said I should not go to school.

“While I was doing the house chores, my daddy brought out a wire and started beating me. As he was beating me, he ordered me to sit on the bed and remove my pants. I initially refused, but as he continued beating me, I obeyed him and he raped me. As I was shouting, one of my neighbours came to knock on our door, but he told him that he was punishing me.

“After the sex, he told me that I should not tell anybody. He was the one that washed the clothes I was supposed to wash that day while I slept. After some time, I woke up and took my bath. I did not tell my stepmother anything.

“Then in July 2018, before we started our examination, my stepmother said I should not go to school. My dad went out in the morning and came back in the afternoon. As of then, I was sleeping on the bed. I suddenly noticed that someone laid on me. Before I knew it, he had sex with me again, making it twice. He still warned me not to tell anybody what happened between us.”

The victim said that when she missed her period in July, her mother-in-law asked her if she had sex with anyone, but she denied it.

She said she confessed to her mother-in-law when it was confirmed that she was two months pregnant.

“When my stepmother reported to my daddy that I looked pregnant, he said I should lie to her that I was raped by someone in a hotel. My stepmother continued disturbing me and made me do a pregnancy test. She told me that I was two months’ pregnant.

“When everybody on the street became aware that I was pregnant, I decided to tell my stepmother the truth. My daddy was the first man that had sex with me. No other person had done it with me before or after him,” she said.

The victim’s half-brother, David, said he had caught his father several times while having sex with his sister.

The 12-year-old said, “There was a day when I came home from school and I met Dad on her. Dad used to have sex with her even at night if our mom was not at home. I saw them together on our bed if our mom was not at home.

Ime was brought to trial in Ogba Court of First Instance for a defendant.

The police prosecutor, Inspector John Christopher, said the offense was contrary to Article 137 of the Penal Code of Lagos State, Nigeria, 2015.

The charge read in part, “That you, Ubong Ime, in June 2018, at about 12pm on Olushina Street, Isale Haruna, Obawole, Lagos State, in the Ikeja Magisterial District, did defile your daughter (name withheld) aged 15….”

The defendant pleaded not guilty to the charge.

The presiding magistrate, P. E. Nwaka, placed the suspect in custody.

The case was adjourned until October 3, 2018.

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