Wife discovers that husband cheats on photo at restaurant review

Tom Sietsema, a restaurant reviewer at the American newspaper Washington Post, was accidentally involved in an embarrassing case of adultery. According to a reader, the photo that appeared during his last meeting showed her husband while he was dining with an unknown woman. When the man was confronted with the snapshot, he admitted his extra-marital affair.

The restaurant review, Sietsema, who was born and raised in the US, made the crooked skate incident that took place at an Indian grill restaurant known by tweeting a passage from a chat session he recently had with readers. The unknown woman wrote to him: Your last review contains a picture of my husband dining with a woman who I am not. Faced with this photographic evidence, he admitted his affair. “I thought you’d like to hear your part in this drama. I am grateful to you for exposing a cheat!”

The restaurant review was apparently shocked when he read the woman’s words. He replied, “Please, please, please, tell me this is a joke.” He then tweeted a screenshot of the passage in question with a warning to his followers on social media.

“Cheaters, take heed!” His tweet is shared en masse and with hilarious reactions. A few claim to have experienced something similar. Others call the way in which adultery came to light ‘a fine example of service journalism’.

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