Will the Queen pay the legal costs for Prince Andrew after all?

The Queen’s second son is being sued by American Virginia Giuffre, who testifies that she was forced to have sex with Prince Andrew several times when she was 17. The prince denied all the rumors and had his lawyers ask to stop the lawsuit at a hearing last week.

“All he wants to do is clear his name,” an insider said. “He realizes that a civil lawsuit could cause catastrophic reputational damage to the monarchy.”

Andrew appointed a lawyer in February. Since then, Elizabeth would pay the costs, according to the British newspaper The Telegraph. The money is drawn from the revenues of the Duchy of Lancaster.

There have been rumors previously that Elizabeth would pay these charges, but The Telegraph now says they have received confirmation from reliable sources.

Yet some deny this rumor. On Friday, a source said that Queen Elizabeth did not want to pay for her son’s bills and that she would receive support from her family. “Charles and Prince William were furious when they learned that Andrew had allegedly asked the Queen for money. They both believe that Andrew should clean up his own mess. Elizabeth will not help him.”

As a result, Andrew would have to sell his chalet in Switzerland, in order to get a lot of money quickly.

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