Yes! There is a real James Bond? He lived in Poland

There was a real British secret agent named James Bond, living in Poland. This is evident from newly published documents from the Polish IPN, the institute charged with the prosecution of crimes against the Polish nation.

James Albert Bond from Devon in southwestern Britain is said to have come to Warsaw two years after the first Bond film came out.

On February 18, 1964, Bond arrived with his wife and six-year-old son in the capital of Poland. His official position was the archivist at the British Embassy in Warsaw. In reality, his job was to gather information from the secret intelligence agency about military facilities.

According to the counter-intelligence agency of communist Poland, this Bond was little like the fictional James Bond invented by the writer Ian Fleming.

Unlike the fictional 007, the real one proceeded very carefully and hardly came into contact with Polish citizens.

How successful the real Bond was in its actual espionage work is unclear to the Polish institute.

James Albert Bond
James Albert Bond

Military training

Partly because of Ian Fleming’s famous stories, Bond attracted the attention of the counter-intelligence department with his name. So blatantly interested in army units and military training grounds, his presence could not go unnoticed.

Another option is that he would use a huge smokescreen and put the communists on the wrong track, causing them to change their tactics and move important posts.

In the end, the British agent did not stay in Poland for long. After only ten months, he sent his wife and son back home. He himself followed after a few weeks.

The documents of James Albert Bond, who is said to have been a British agent.
©REUTERS – The documents of James Albert Bond, who is said to have been a British agent.
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