Zimbabwe: 24 arrested opponents remain in prison

In Zimbabwe, 24 people close to the opposition appeared this Saturday in front of a court on the charge of disturbing the public order, in connection with the protest demonstration last Wednesday to protest the election results.

A demonstration repressed by the army and which resulted in the death of at least 6 people and many wounded.

They are 24 in the box of the accused and they are members or sympathizers of the opposition movement, the MDC of Nelson Chamisa. They were arrested by police at the party’s premises on Thursday, the day after the deadly demonstration that killed at least six people. All are accused of violence on public roads, for having participated or organized the demonstration.

Most are simple party employees. One is an important cadre who has left Robert Mugabe’s ZANU-PF to join the opposition.

For Cornelias Guta, MDC youth spokesperson, these arrests are outright intimidation by the authorities. Several opposition leaders have been harassed and threatened in recent days, he said.

Like Tendai Biti, former Minister of the Government of National Unity. According to his lawyer, Biti fled after being threatened and his mother’s house was surrounded by police on Friday night.

In the box of the accused, the 24 were denied their application for bail. They will appear again Monday morning after spending the weekend in prison.

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