Zimbabwe: opposition demands clarification or mass protest against electoral process

The presidential elections will take place in a little less than two months in Zimbabwe, on July 30 exactly.
Robert Mugabe’s successor, President Emmerson Mnangagwa, is the favorite at the head of Zanu-PF.
Opposition party leader Nelson Chamisa will be his main contender and Chamisa is already challenging the president, he called for a major march in the capital Harare Tuesday, June 5, to demand a reform of the electoral system.
“We can block the holding of the July elections.” The young leader of the MDC party Nelson Chamisa is sure of his strength and that of his supporters. But before eventually paralyzing the country, Chamisa wants to block Harare first, on Tuesday, June 5.
The supporters of the MDC, the Movement for Democratic Change, are therefore called to take the streets of the capital.
The goal is to push Emmerson Mnangagwa to clarify the electoral process.
The opposition party does not hide its anger after the Electoral Commission refused to publish the list of voters.
Although the poll will be for the first time biometric with fingerprint identification, there is doubt about the possible falsification of this list, a method widely used under Robert Mugabe.
Another sore point is that of the company responsible for printing the ballots. His name is kept secret by Emmerson Mnangagwa.
The MDC fears that by refusing to make public the name of this company, the Zanu-PF increases the number of bulletins.
International observers will be present to attest to the smooth running of the July elections. This is not enough according to the MDC.
The party fears that the current deployment of soldiers in rural areas is a way to put pressure on the citizens.