Zombie Boy commit suicide

Canadian model and artist Rick Genest, known as the Zombie Boy, committed suicide at the age of 32, reported by Canadian media on Friday, August 3. The agency Dulcedo Management, who represented him, confirmed this information by posting a message of condolence on his Facebook page. “The whole Dulcedo family is shocked and bereaved by this tragedy,” writes the agency, referring to “an icon of the art scene and the world of fashion.” Rick Genest died around 5 pm on Wednesday, according to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), citing police sources that “classify his death as s
uicide.” “Zombie Boy”, who begged to pay for his tattoos, made his name in his early days in the fashion and entertainment scene with stylist Thierry Mugler and singer Lady Gaga. The American artist, alongside whom he appeared in the clip Born This Way (2011) who made him known, said Friday, “devastated” by his death. “The suicide of friend Rick Genest,” Zombie Boy “is more than devastating. We need to do more to change the culture, put mental health first and remove the stigma that we cannot talk about it,” Lady Gaga wrote on Twitter.

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