10 life lessons you can learn from being fired

Despite the fact that the loss of a job in most cases is perceived as a real tragedy and is experienced quite painfully, the main thing is not to become discouraged and not put an end to your career and life. Getting fired is just another step that can be enjoyable or not. But you must withstand it with dignity and make the most of the situation.
Of course, if your work did not bring you pleasure or money, it would be much easier to cope with the temporary loss of stability in life. But this is not always the case. Circumstances develop unexpectedly, and you can lose the position you held dear. No matter what happens in your case, and whatever the reasons for your dismissal, you can maintain self-confidence and turn your failure into a new opportunity to change the situation for the better. We’ve put together some life lessons you can learn from getting fired.
Life is unpredictable
You can never be sure of your tomorrow. This is one of those things that getting fired should teach you. You can do your job “on the ditch,” remaining unnoticed for a long time, or you can work hard, each time raising the bar for your colleagues, but in either case, you are not insured against losing your job.
You can be laid off; you can concede in knowledge and skills to another applicant for your position; the changed leadership can underestimate you. There are many possible reasons; the main thing is not to dwell on them but to agree that you cannot control everything that happens in your life. And the best thing you can do is adapt to change.
Your knowledge and skills will not be appreciated everywhere
Even if you are a first-class specialist who does your job best of all, this does not guarantee that you will be appreciated. It all depends on your boss: someone notices the contribution of employees, supports them, contributes to their development, and someone turns a blind eye to their achievements.
Alas, but the second type of bosses team often includes just good employees who are ready to give their best at 100%. So, the blame for the dismissal will not always lie with you: analyze the situation before drawing such conclusions. It may turn out that your potential and experience are not appreciated.
Life is the result of your actions or your inaction
Your whole life, all the events that happen to you are the result of your actions and your inaction in some cases. Therefore, take full responsibility for your life. Stop looking for someone to blame or make a victim of yourself: give yourself time and start fixing your life. Look for a new job, analyze what you did wrong on the old one. If you do nothing, the situation will not change for the better by itself.
Without faith in yourself, you cannot succeed
If you do not believe in yourself and your strengths, then no amount of knowledge and skills will force those around you to consider you a professional. What matters is how you carry yourself to the world around you.
Pump up self-confidence; otherwise, one day, you can give up your position to an employee who is not afraid to talk about his achievements, declare what he can do, and implement ambitious ideas, even without having a sufficient level of knowledge and skills for this.
You can handle anything
You can work in the same company for 5, 10, or even 15 years and end up being fired. It’s hard to imagine how hard it is to say goodbye to a place that you began to perceive as a second home, to leave colleagues with whom you have experienced so much. But no matter how difficult it is for you to go through this stage of life, you can cope with it.
Moreover, sooner or later, you will most likely even say “thank you” to your past bosses. After all, such a dismissal will make you stronger and allow you to be realized in something new.
Getting fired is not the end, but the beginning
Dismissal is always the beginning of something new: a new attitude towards oneself, a new perception of a career, a new job, or even a new specialty. This is not a reason to kill yourself and believe that a black streak has begun in your life.
On the contrary, think that you have long wanted to change but could not because you were afraid of losing stability. Take training courses, send your resume to the same company you have been dreaming of for a long time, try yourself in a completely new position or profession.
It depends only on you whether the event is considered good or bad
Dismissal is just a new stage in your life, and it depends only on how you will perceive it. Some people, losing their favorite job, moved on, perceiving such changes in life as an opportunity to become better, stronger, wiser, to find a vacancy for a position that would be even more suitable for them by all criteria. And someone, in the meantime, may be suffering from the fact that he was fired from a job that caused nothing but stress.
The emotional coloring of any event depends almost entirely on what minuses or pluses you see in it. If you are inclined to look for negativity, then even if there will be an opportunity to change it for the better, you will stagnate and feel sorry for yourself after being fired in your life.
Don’t hold on to what you’re just used to
You hold on to your job and are afraid of losing it does not mean that it satisfies all your needs. You may worry about losing stability from being forced to leave your comfort zone, broken ties with colleagues, etc. And after the dismissal, it may suddenly turn out that you were paid too little, your bosses did not value you, they set uninteresting tasks for you, they didn’t trust you, and in general, there were no pluses in your work as such.
You should not hold on to your position simply because you are used to it, and you know exactly when and what you should do and say. This inevitably leads to disappointment in their work, burnout, loss of interest. Getting fired helps you stop lying to yourself and look differently at your past place of work. After some time, you can rejoice at your dismissal and the fact that you got the opportunity to change your life for the better.
Connections solve most problems
After being fired, you are faced with a completely logical question – where to look for a new job. And this is where your connections can help you. Classmates, relatives, old acquaintances, and even former colleagues – all these people can help you find a job quickly.
Learn to use your connections, do not lose the opportunity, and once again ask the people around you if they or their friends need a good specialist.
Even if money is good, you need a financial safety cushion
Because no one knows how long you will remain financially stable. You can be fired out of the blue, and you will be left with almost no money after you pay all the mandatory expenses. It is improbable that you will get a new job a few days after losing your old one.
So you have to have a financial safety cushion – money that you will use for living during that time while you are unemployed.