The 25 largest military powers in the world (Global Firepower)

The Global Firepower has just updated its ranking of the world’s largest military powers.

This regular update of the site provides the latest quantitative and qualitative data on the armed forces of 125 countries.

Experts calculate what is called a ‘power index’ to rank the overall military force based on more than 50 factors, such as logistics resources, and annual defense spending.

Below is the latest ranking of the 25 largest military powers.

1 – USA
Budget: $581billion
Human Resources: 145million people.

2 – Russia
Budget: $47billion
Human resources: 70million people

3 – China
Budget: $156billion
Human Resources: 750 million people

4 – India
Budget: $40billion
Human resources: 616million people

5 – France
Budget: $35billion
Human Resources: 30million people.

6 – United Kingdom
Budget: $55billion
Human Resources: 24million people

7 – Japan
Budget: $40billion
Human resources: 54million people

8 – Turkey
Budget: $18billion
Human Resources: 42million people.

9 – Germany
Budget: $36billion
Human Resources: 37million people

10 – Italy
Budget: $34billion
Human Resources: 28million people

11 – South Korea
Budget: $33billion
Human resources: 26million people

12 – Egypt
Budget: $4billion
Human resources: 42million people

13 – Pakistan
Budget: $7billion
Human Resources: 95million people

14 – Indonesia
Budget: $7billion
Human Resources: 130million people

15 – Brazil
Budget: $32billion
Human Resources: 107million people

16 – Israel
Budget: $15.6billion
Human Resources: 3.6million people

17 – Vietnam
Budget: $3.3billion
Human resources: 50.6million people

18 – Poland
Budget: $9.6billion
Human Resources: 19million people

19 – Taiwan
Budget: $11billion
Human resources: 12.2million people

20 – Thailand
Budget: $5.3billion
Human resources: 35.5million people.

21- Iran
Budget: $6.3billion
Human Resources: 47million people

22 – Canada
Budget: $14.7billion
Human Resources: 16million people

23 – Australia
Budget: $26billion
Human resources: 10.7million people

24 – Saudi Arabia
Budget: $57billion
Human Resources: 15.3million people

25 – North Korea
Budget: $7.5billion
Human Resources: 13million people.

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