5 reasons why your wife fails to make love to you

While some women have an insatiable sexual appetite, others become less interested and avoid contact with their husbands.

Gentlemen, here’s why making love to you has become a nightmare for your wife:

1. Sex hurts her
If your wife feels pain every time you make love with her, she could probably develop an aversion to sex over time. The origin of this pain could be uterine fibroids, hemorrhoids, urinary tract infections and STDs. Identify her problem and contact a doctor. In addition, women do not control their hormones, she may feel like it without the body reacting. Try to relax it and if it does not work, use the lubricants.

2. Sexual abuse
Psychological trauma resulting from rape, sexual assault or other forms of sexual abuse is also a reason why some women do not want any contact with a man anymore. If your wife has been sexually abused or assaulted, it would be important for her to see a psychologist.

3. You never change the way you make love to her
If you have the habit of making love in the same place and in the same position, she will find this routine boring. Be more romantic and make her discover feelings by trying other sexual positions.

4. She does not find you more attractive
Unfortunately, this is the reality for some couples. Maybe your sturdy muscles have become flaccid and you have developed a big belly. Your physique has changed and she does not see the same person who made her crack like the first day. If the new look of your spouse no longer attracts you discuss with her and find a solution.

5. You become too demanding
After a long day, your wife might feel tired and do not want to make love. Do not insist, give her time to rest. However, this is not the case with some men. They want it again and again without worrying about their partner.

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