6 signs you have low self-esteem

Adequate self-esteem is of great importance for a person’s life and affects how the world sees it. There are many reasons behind problems with self-perception and low self-esteem.

Of course, only a qualified specialist can diagnose them and solve problems. But you can define low self-esteem by analyzing your actions and deeds. This article talks about the situational manifestations of low self-esteem, which are most common in most people.

6 signs you have low self-esteem

Constant feeling of self-pity

Sometimes even the most successful and independent people feel helpless and show a sense of self-pity. However, psychologists emphasize that self-pity is a pretty destructive habit. People who tend to feel sorry for themselves are more likely to suffer from mental and emotional problems, and they are also obsessed with negative thoughts. Chronic sadness and anxiety can escalate into severe depression and trigger a pattern of responses to external factors that will always lead to self-pity.

Self-pity is a simple tool that helps a person get rid of responsibility by transferring it to the external environment and environment. To break a destructive habit, it’s important to accept the problem.

The following step psychologists recommend is to figure out what events could lead to developing feelings of self-pity. Try to get rid of the external irritant and set realistic goals and tasks for yourself, the solution of which will seem like an interesting quest and not a painful and painful process. It is important to add more positive factors to life and reconsider your attitude towards yourself and your people.

The habit of comparing yourself to other people

Comparing ourselves to other people, we often fixate on their happiness and failures, comparing each other on such a plane. That is why the habit of comparing yourself to others most often negatively affects self-esteem, drives you into despair and even depression. In addition, frequent comparison leads to a loss of faith in oneself and takes a lot of effort, time, and energy.

Comparing oneself to other people is wrong because each person takes their life and performs certain tasks and plans. We are free to dispose of only our own lives, and therefore we know about the grief and joy of others only what they broadcast to us. And this may not always be a true picture.

To stop comparing yourself to other people, you first need to give up the need for public approval of your life and actions. Living consciously and focusing on your feelings and desires will lead to self-acceptance.

Respecting other people’s achievements and enjoying other people’s successes is a trait of a truly strong and worthy person. But only by focusing on your tasks and abandoning meaningless competition can you truly love yourself and overcome low self-esteem.

Relationship problems with other people

Low self-esteem negatively affects relationships with other people, including friendships. In addition, a person with low self-esteem may be perceived by others as an intrusive and unworthy person.

Obsessive behaviour can develop into a panic fear of loneliness. People with low self-esteem often voluntarily give up friendships because they are afraid of suddenly losing loved ones and being alone.

If you face situations where acquaintances and friends disrespect you, underestimate and demean you, this is a serious call to protect yourself from such people. Even in the strongest friendships, situations and dialogues need to be assessed objectively. If a close friend is not interested in your opinion, and you hear constant criticism in your address, most likely, the presence of this person in life also affects your low self-esteem.

In trying to build healthy self-esteem, you can face various challenges, including being disappointed in the immediate environment and losing a friendship with people who have been with you for many years. But only by forming healthy relationships with yourself can you expect healthy relationships with other people.

Increased feelings of anxiety

To get rid of low self-esteem, you must first start dealing with feelings of anxiety. Panic and fear constantly haunt the person suffering from low self-esteem. Insecure people tend to analyze any, even the most insignificant of their actions, dwell on failures and misdeeds.

This habit creates anxiety and leads to constant dissatisfaction and fear of making mistakes. Over time, stress and pressure build-up, and the person becomes hostage to their negative attitudes and low self-esteem.

Of course, worrying about your life and worrying about crises in your life or work is normal. But the accumulated anxiety that grows every day can lead to depression and form an unhealthy attitude towards yourself and life. Therefore, it is important to recognize the anxiety disorder in time and seek help from a specialist who will help you find the root of the problem and solve it.

Inability to respond with a refusal

The ability to say “no” without feeling guilty is a quality that healthy self-esteem possesses. It is more difficult for a person suffering from low self-esteem to refuse another person, as he is afraid to seem unhelpful and show his self-sufficiency.

The inability to refuse even those requests that cause psychological or physical discomfort speaks of the existing problems associated with self-perception and self-love. If a person often agrees against his beliefs and interests, over time, he will lose his sense of self-importance and fall into an emotional hole.

Fears associated with a possible negative reaction to rejection are formed in early childhood. That is why solving problems requires serious study, self-study, and analysis of your own life.

To get rid of the fear of rejection, you need to understand what attitudes affect your behaviour. A clear vision of problems will allow you to solve them as soon as possible and learn to live in harmony with yourself.

Concern about the opinions of others

Social anxiety or concern about the opinions of others is common in people with low self-esteem. Taking into account other people’s opinions to build pleasant and comfortable relationships is quite normal. However, the desire to indulge other people in everything and meet their requirements can lead to a nervous breakdown and devaluation of your personality.

The roots of self-doubt have a lot to do with childhood trauma. Overwhelming tasks that we receive from our parents, high expectations, and living according to the attitudes of the older generation ultimately lead to psychological disorders and low self-esteem. In addition, the opinions of others are critically important for those who are faced with the fear of loneliness.

If you are concerned about such problems, it is important to learn how to build personal boundaries. Remember that every person needs space, which no one will enter, dictating their opinion. Only by entering into a struggle with dependence on the opinions of people around you can you form a healthy personality that adequately evaluates yourself and your capabilities.

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