$600 bill: father puts his baby in a bag with clothes to escape from the hospital

In Kenya, a father has decided to escape from the hospital with his newborn baby because of the hospital bill given to him. He puts the little baby in a bag with clothes and a shoe but then stopped by a babysitter. Boniface Murang, the father of the little child is a worker and earns less than $5 dollar in a day.
The Kenyan Boniface Murange, who tried to smuggle out the baby, avoided the prison sentence with the help of caring people who contributed to the settlement of his bill.
He pleaded guilty to the court and was facing jail time. But the case moved many Kenyans who criticized the country’s health system.
A lawyer offered his services free of charge, others paid the bill, and the magistrate allowed the young father to return home with a three-month reprieve. Boniface Murange told the BBC that he had put his baby in a bag with clothes and a shoe to protect her. He stops at the entrance of the hospital by a babysitter, who noticed the acts.
The young dad is a worker and earns less than $5 a day. According to the Kenyan father, all his attempt to raise the money was in vain. Despite donations from his friends to pay the hospital bill of about $600.