7 bizarre wedding night traditions in third world countries

All kinds of wedding traditions do not exist! The Scots pour dirty slurry on the bride; some peoples of India usually marry a tree before marrying a man; in Korea, they beat the groom on the heels with fish.
By the way, we talked about these and many other strange rituals in very entertaining material. But in terms of originality, Africa is naturally ahead of the rest. Even during their wedding night, they have some bender going on there.
1. Team of tutors

The bride and groom from the Berber tribes are never alone immediately after the wedding. Their wedding night is collective. Several couples join the newlyweds in the large bedroom. And the experienced ones pass on their experience to the young and help them get rid of embarrassment. This event lasts up to five days.
Everything is fine; I was holding a candle

In Rwanda, Kenya, and other Swahili-speaking countries, newlyweds are also not left unattended. To understand all the intricacies of intercourse, since ancient times, the bride’s eldest relative has laid under the richly decorated marriage bed. She gives all kinds of advice, and the following day she testifies how everything went.
3. Unexpected joy

In the Shona tribe, the wedding night is held before the wedding and comes as a complete surprise to the groom. After the engagement, the girl, accompanied by numerous relatives, can descend on her future husband’s house any day.
The groom’s unsuspecting relatives should notice the procession in time and meet her with a joyful dance. These test the ability of the groom and his family to cope with unexpected problems. If everything went well, then the bride stays overnight.
4. Libido test
In the Ankole tribe of northwestern Uganda, the bride’s aunt plays an important role in marrying. To ensure that the groom has no potency problems, she spends the night with the chosen one of her niece before the wedding. Of course, the aunt is present in the room during the wedding night.
5. In bed with a stranger

In many African countries, marriages organize by parents, and their children see each other for the first time only at a wedding. And in Tanzania, it is still stricter. The bride does not participate at all in the celebrations. While everyone is having fun, she, all dressed up, sits at home waiting for her husband. He arrives at night, and married life begins.
6. Night of humor
For Libyan Muslims, the wedding lasts at least five days. The first three are spent separately by the bride and groom, each in his own house. On the fourth day, the bride organizes a party where the groom invited in the company of friends. During the evening, friends are obliged to make an as loud noise as possible and make greasy jokes about what will happen today behind closed doors. The humor does not stop even when the young are alone.
Bare head
In the Sudanese Nuer tribe, after a wedding feast, friends take the bride to the groom’s village, where they first shave her head and only then take her to her husband. The meaning of this ritual is not entirely clear, but the fact remains: a girl with hair has no right to go to bed with her legal spouse.