7 habits that reveal a lot about the person next to you

Each person has a unique set of habits. They can tell quite a lot about the nature and principles of their owner’s life if you look at them more closely.
We found an explanation for 7 habits that reveal a lot about the people around us and ourselves.
How does one relate to staff
How we treat people in the service industry can say a lot about how we interact with others in general.
When we interact with waiters or shop assistants, we are in a certain degree of influence. Staff cannot respond rudely or impolitely to a visitor. They must listen to everything they say and tolerate different attitudes to not reprimand or comply with company policy.
Unfortunately, many people take advantage of this and show themselves from a not very good side. They can be rude “out of the blue” or show their superiority. This habit of interacting with those in the service industry shows the true attitude towards people, especially those they consider “lower level.”
But if a person is kind and polite enough with the staff in a cafe or shop, he shows the same qualities towards other people.
How does he respond to mild social pressure?
We live in a society, and social pressure is in the order of things for us. It includes small conflicts and disagreements between people or situations that cause such “frictions.” The reaction to such stimuli is a habit, which can be said about our character.
Imagine the situation: when ordering at a diner, a person asked to add mustard to his dish. The staff member did not hear him. He noticed that there was not enough mustard in the dish but did not dare to say so and once again asked for a little more of it. This is because he does not want to face social pressure – the minimum friction that would arise even if he was as polite as possible in his request.
Similar situations show how we act in other cases. Some of us are persistent enough to get what we want. In contrast, others prefer to postpone it and accept what is happening so as not to experience additional discomfort.
How a person reacts to the success of others
You must have noticed at least once how someone’s face changes dramatically if they hear about the success of a person they know. They seem upset or angry and try to end the conversation or make a scathing comment about someone else’s success.
This behaviour distinguishes those who tend to envy rather than support other people. It is worth paying attention and being more careful with such people – you should not tell them about your successes and undertakings so as not to get negative in your address or gossip behind your back.
How does he walk
Gait is one of the facts of body language that can tell a lot about us.
Pay attention to how differently people enter a room full of guests. If a person is casual and confident, he draws attention to himself and seems friendly and trustworthy. With such a person, you subconsciously want to start a conversation or greet loudly.
A confident gait reflects inner independence from the opinions of others. A person who walks easily and confidently does not need confirmation of his importance from others. And those who stoop, lower their eyes to the floor, and, as it were, “slip” into the doorway, without attracting much attention to themselves, do not differ in confidence and independence. They are quite closed and very often think about how to please others.
Speaking of how to fix slouching will help indicate insecurity, even if this is not the case.
What does his car and house look like?
We are not talking about how a person can be characterized by his car’s model and year of manufacture. Or how many “squares” and what area of the city is his housing. You can tell a lot about the owner of a property or a car just by looking inside.
When everything is neat and orderly in the car, it can be noted that a person will behave in the same way in other matters. And if the car is dirty and disorganized, then in other aspects of life, a person is hardly too puzzled by this. This also applies to home environments.
But we note that disorder and untidiness are not always a sign of laziness or lack of independence. In some cases, they can be symptoms of diseases such as depression or obsessive-compulsive disorder.
How real life of a person is similar to publications on social networks
Only they know what lies behind the ideal profiles of people in social networks. A completely ordinary person can often be obsessed with presenting himself in the best light on his “page.”
People may be overly concerned that their lives won’t look good enough in publicly available photos. Such a desire reflects internal uncertainty and anxiety associated with the fact that they may not receive the approval of those around them.
Unfortunately, people around can experience real disappointment when they find out how much reality differs from the virtual image of a person. This happens significantly often if he frankly embellishes his deeds or abilities. For example, he says that he plays the guitar and poses for a photo with her, but he cannot play a couple of chords in reality. Or gives everyone advice on proper nutrition, not having the perfect figure that she boasts in the pictures.
People who are not shy about showing their life on a social network that is not too perfect are much more confident in themselves. They don’t have to constantly use a lot of Instagram filters or post a “professional” travel photo to prove something to someone. Yes, and there is no need to embellish life – they understand that there will still be like-minded people and that disappointment from untruth can alienate people around them.
What does he do when he hears the word “no”
Pay attention to the reaction the word “no” evokes in other people. They can behave differently: calmly accept the refusal or “stomp” and demand their own. This will show you how important a person sees himself and how he evaluates his importance realistically. Realists and those who are “normal” with their selfishness will remain calm and dignified in this situation.