7 signs that you are destroying your relationship

When something goes wrong in a relationship, we often tend to blame our partner, but two people build a union. One party cannot always be right. We think it’s worth looking out for the 7 signs that things aren’t going well in your relationship. It’s you that’s destroying your relationship…

If you are device-dependent

If you “dive” into your smartphone every free minute, it may be an addiction. Scientists from the University of Arizona have found that people who do not part with their smartphones experience difficulty in relationships. Try to switch to other exciting things: on the subway, read a book or watch passengers, make plans for the weekend before going to bed. Special applications will help to control the stay on the Internet.

If you don’t know how to prioritize

Do you have a very busy schedule and do not have enough time for your personal life? Include it on your to-do list too. Use dedicated scheduling applications. The “2/2/2” method will help maintain romance in a relationship: once every 2 weeks, go on a date with your loved one, once every 2 months go somewhere on the weekend, and once every 2 years go on vacation together.

If you don’t speak words of support

The word “thank you” seems so commonplace that sometimes people forget to say it. But do not assume that if your man does something for you, then it goes without saying. Men no less than women need support and a kind word.

Thank your partner for even seemingly insignificant things. “You look amazing”, “I appreciate everything you do”, “I believe in you” – these words do not depend at all on the gender of the person who says them.

If you communicate formally

Communication of loving people is distinguished by sincerity and openness. Share with each other the details and emotions of your day, listen to each other. Instead of “How are you?” you can think of a few questions that will become a tradition to ask. For example: “What was the most interesting of the day?” or “What were you laughing at today?”

If something upsets you in your partner, talk about it calmly and without reproach.

If you get angry about little things

You should not try to remake a loved one. Thanks to his characteristics, he is the one you love. If the situation is very annoying, ask yourself why. Maybe it’s not about the toothpaste at all? And give your soul mate the opportunity to see the result of your actions on their own.

For example, if your husband throws his socks anywhere, tell him that they can only get into the wash from the place designated to him. When the socks run out, he will understand everything without words.

If you do not know how to discuss

Focus on solving the problem together. Our overestimated expectations often lead to screaming, blackmail, and ignorance. Are there any in your relationship? Do not push the situation to the limit; try to discuss it earlier. When you are discussing something important, touch your partner – this will make it easier for him to feel that you are with him. Adopt the rule: one problem, one conversation.

During an argument, leave the room, even for 30 seconds. When you calm down, the conversation will be more fruitful.

If you don’t trust

Anxiety or past negative experiences sometimes prevent us from trusting. But if you want a truly intimate relationship, assume that your loved one is honest with you. Do not demand a report on the time spent without you, do not look through his phone and mail, do not make excuses. In addition, suspicions from scratch may well push your partner to do what you suspect him of. Focus on the good.

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