Prayer for inner peace and calm

When we can’t see proof of all you’re doing – when we can’t grasp or see your purpose or goal – it’s tough to truly let go of our anxieties or the world around us. Today, we take a moment to remember our reliance on you, for we know in our hearts that your hands are at work in our lives.

Our ideas are not your thoughts, and our methods are not your ways, as Isaiah 55:8 tells us. We are not alone when it comes to seeing clearly and making judgments, and that inner calm is something only you can provide.

So, Lord, today, we consciously, even passionately, declare that we chose to trust in you once again. We understand that you are most productive at work through the most difficult circumstances. Thank you for giving us the strength to support one another and to see clearly the decisions we must make. We realize that while we scan our own horizons, we must also turn to you alone for the strength and opportunity that lies ahead.

We beg for your help so that we may completely follow your path, which you have blessed. We also ask that we see your face – both individually and as a group of coworkers and partners. Please complete all of the tasks you’ve assigned to us in the coming weeks. Give us a wise heart so we can hear your words, and then make our feet solid. Please use your favor and grace to strengthen us.

Prayer for Peace of Mind

Almighty God, We thank you for our lives, and we applaud you for your bountiful compassion and grace. We appreciate your loyalty, despite the fact that we are not so loyal to you. Lord Jesus, we beseech you to grant us peace in our minds, bodies, souls, and spirits. We ask you to heal us and eliminate everything in our life that is giving us stress, pain, and misery.

Please direct our way in life and make peace with our adversaries. Allow your calm to rule in our home, at work, in our enterprises, and in all we touch. Allow your peace angels to travel ahead of us on our journey and remain by our side when we return. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Prayer for Inner Peace and Calm

  • Greetings, Lord and Father of Humanity!
  • Please pardon our folly.
  • Restore us to our proper state of mind,
  • Find Thy service in purer lives.
  • Praise with a greater respect.
  • Drop thy silent dews of peace,
  • Until we have exhausted all of our efforts;
  • Remove the tension and worry from our spirits.
  • And let us reveal our well-ordered lifestyles.
  • The splendor of Thy tranquility.
  • Breathe through our desire’s sweltering heat.
  • Thy balm and thy cooling;
  • Allow sense to be deafeningly silent, and flesh to fade away.
  • Speak to us via the quake, the wind, and the flames.
  • O quiet, little voice of serenity.

Prayer of Inner Peace

  • Please, Lord, instill Your serenity in my heart.
  • I’m concerned and worried.
  • My thoughts are racing and obsessing in my head.
  • I can’t seem to get my mind off of my difficulties.
  • And the more I think about them, the more I like them.
  • I’m becoming more sad.
  • I feel as if I’m sliding into quicksand.
  • I’m trapped within and can’t get out.
  • Lord, please calm me down.
  • Slow me down, and fill my heart with Your serenity.
  • Lord, no matter what situation I’m facing,
  • You’re taller,
  • You have more clout than it does.
  • As a result, I’ve come to You with my concern.
  • I have a clear idea of what I desire.
  • I am aware of my intentions.
  • I’m not familiar with Yours.
  • I’m not sure how You’ll utilize this dilemma to save me.
  • I’m not sure what good You’re going to get out of this.
  • But I have faith in You.
  • I have faith in Your kindness and wisdom.
  • So I entrust myself in Your hands.
  • Please provide serenity to my heart.
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