How can I receive God’s protection?

Our heavenly father is beyond comparison, and how He may favor us in this life are without bounds. In addition to being a God who rescues, a God who heals, and a God who exalts, He is also a God who protects.

There are a variety of dangers that we encounter as we go about our everyday lives and follow Christ. We live in a world where ideas such as peace and tranquillity have disappeared. Every day, we face a variety of catastrophes, including wars, natural disasters, illnesses, and attacks by demons, among other things. Because He loves you and wants to be there for you, God wants to act in your life as a protective father in the position He has usually done.

Psalms 27:5: “For He will protect me in His tabernacle in the day of trouble, He will hide me under the shelter of His tent; He will lift me on a rock.

But how exactly do you make sure that God will watch over you? Throughout this article, you will learn two secrets that will assist you in receiving God’s protection.

1. To be a child of God and to continue dwelling in Him

Psalms 91:1“He who dwells under the shelter of the Most High rests in the shadow of the Almighty.

One of the first things you need to do in order to be protected by God is to remain in His dwelling place, which is His shelter. It is to know the mysteries of His dwelling and the secrets of His heart. To continue to dwell in the shadow of the Most High does not just mean to be a member of a congregation, of a group, or to serve in the role of a cantor; rather, it denotes having an intimate connection with God, being familiar with Him, and being steadfast in His word.

There is no circumstance in which the force of God is unable to work, and Psalm 91 has a detailed explanation of the perils from which He wants to shield you and those you love. He has good intentions to protect you from dangers such as traps, conspiracies, illnesses, and everything else that can frighten you, even the dark. And He is able to protect you from trouble in whatever circumstance you may find yourself in. However, it is through your close relationship with Him that He will communicate with you; it is through your understanding of His Word that He will give you advice, and it is by your attentiveness to His voice that you will be able to carry out the directives that He gives you. Simply being close to Him will allow Him to fulfill the job of guardian more effectively than anything else could. God does not want to take action apart from you.

2. Invite him to act and ask him for His Protection

Psalms 17:8 “Keep me as the apple of Your eye; protect me in the shade of Your wings

Sometimes, the only thing we perceive God is doing in our lives is saving us, and we gladly accept that position in our hearts for him. We barely ever give God the chance to assist us in the many aspects of our life. God does not merely have a plan to rescue us; the salvation aspect of His plan for us is not the only thing in it. He wants to be with us in all that we do, whether it be something that we value highly or something that we do not place as high of a priority.

When David talks about the Lord as the Shepherd in Psalm 23, he is referring to a guide who walks alongside him the entire way, who provides him with the good things that are there, who points him in the direction of the favorable things that are there that are better, and who protect him throughout the journey even when the paths become more difficult.

Because of God’s omniscience, He is aware of everything. However, He wants us to be able to address all of our failures with Him. More than anything else, He wants to keep the closest relationship possible with us. When we are in a predicament that calls for His intervention and protection, He wants us to pray to Him for it and beg that He step in.

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