Bizarre alimony demands cause ex-Sultan of Malaysia headaches

Bizarre alimony demands cause ex-Sultan of Malaysia headaches: “Who does she think I am? Bill Gates?”

Divorce causes suffering, the saying goes, and that is certainly the case with Muhammad V (50), the ex-sultan of Malaysia. In July, he broke off – after only six months of marriage – with the Russian Rihana Oksana Voevodina, a 27-year-old former Miss Moscow. And although she denies that she is divorced, she still asks for maintenance from her former lover.

For a moment, their relationship seemed like a fairy tale. The pretty Oksana married Sultan Muhammad V during a secret Muslim ceremony in Malaysia on June 2018. He didn’t mind that there were bikini pictures of her in circulation. And when the religious population started to complain a little too much, Muhammad even decided to resign for her.

The former Miss Moscow became pregnant, and in May, their son Leon was born. But only a few weeks later everything was over. From court documents that appeared, in the hands of The New Straits Times (an English-speaking tabloid in Malaysia, ed.), it appeared that the divorce, after only six months of marriage, was pronounced by a Sharia court by saying the word ‘talaq’ three times. According to Islamic law, this means the most severe and irreversible form of divorce that is possible. Oksana was not present at the ceremony.

Bizarre requirements

The former Miss Moscow, however, denies in every way that she is divorced. On Instagram, she said: “I don’t know anything about divorce. Leon and I are at home in Russia and haven’t received any divorce papers. Besides, my husband is a good Muslim, and he would never have allowed such a thing in my absence.”

She admits that the two haven’t seen each other since December. Still, Oksana now wants to capitalize on the break-up and secure the future of her son. According to sources around the sultan, the woman wants her ex-husband to buy her a mansion in London with a value of 8 million pounds, and a house in the Russian capital Moscow. Besides, she also wants alimony of about 24,000 for Leon.

Allegedly, Muhammad is not very keen on her demands. He is said to have told his court: “Who does she think I am? Bill Gates?” And also the alimony that Oksana asks for, he thinks is a bridge too far. “Is he going to Eton next year (a costly boarding school where Prince Harry and William also went, ed.), that she needs so much money for a baby?”, he allegedly wondered.

DNA test

To add to the pressure now, the Malaysian court is contesting Muhammad’s fatherhood of his son Leon. Oksana denies these accusations. “If it hadn’t been his son, I wouldn’t have created an account,” says the former Miss Moscow. “He is Asian and has huge eyes and lips, and he has those lips from me.” A DNA-test is not necessary, she thinks. She also accuses the court of blocking the contact between her and the ex-sultan. “I’ve often tried to reach my husband to talk about our marriage, but I can’t get hold of him.”

According to various media, the break between Oksana and her sultan is also due to a spicy video that has surfaced. The formal Miss Moscow once participated in a ‘Temptation Island’-like a reality show in which she dived bared into a swimming pool. In the water, she is said to have made love with a male participant, and these images were circulated again after her marriage.

Bizarre alimony demands cause ex-Sultan of Malaysia headaches
Muhammad didn’t find the half-naked photos of Oksana such a big problem, but making love in a swimming pool was a step too far.

Although the images were shot much earlier than when she met Muhammad, the sultan would have been terrified. And even though he didn’t make a problem with the photos on which his lover posed half-naked, he couldn’t accept this video.

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