“Black and White”: the era of French colonization in Africa

France Televisions starts the broadcasting of its event series “Black and White”. Based on an original idea by French producer Jacques Kirsner and with Senegalese director Moussa Sene Absa, Black and White is a series that deals, in four episodes, with the period of French colonization in Africa and the struggle of African peoples for independence.

“Black and White” is an unprecedented event on French television. Indeed, for the first time in France, a four-episode fictional saga tackles, in four episodes, the era of French colonization in Africa and the struggle of African peoples for their independence.

As producer Jacques Kirsner points out: “it is the first time that a fiction series is interpreted equally by African and European actors. And the choice of a Senegalese director to direct the series was obvious”.

It must be said that in recent years, problems related to France’s colonial past have rightly mobilized public opinion, causing controversy. The series “Black and White” is a work of fiction that contributes to these debates. All the more so as its subject matter resonates with relations between Blacks and Whites throughout the world.

Concerning colonialism, Jacques Kirsner continues, recalling that: “France was not the only colonial power in the 19th century. Most European countries had colonies. France had an Empire where slavery, unspeakable violence, and injustice were practiced daily in Africa. But paradoxically, at the same time, in the same places, it sowed, almost against its will, the ideas of the Age of Enlightenment, the principles of Human Rights and Citizen’s Rights… without forgetting the French language, which often became the official language of independent countries”.

The characters in the series shot in Senegal reflect this contradiction. They undergo colonization and then use the weapons they have been taught to use to fight it. Whites and blacks have lived through these contradictions, and in this fiction, they give us their truths. Truths that will not put everyone in agreement, but which will have the merit of opening the debate around a theme that has remained taboo for too long.

“Black and White”: the era of French colonization in Africa

“Africa2020 Season” and “Heart Africa”: Africa in the spotlight!

France Televisions is a partner of the “Africa2020 season”, which started on December 1st and will run until July 2021.

On this occasion, the French audiovisual group has developed rich and varied programming through a special operation “France Televisions, regards look on Africa” to offer viewers of all generations a new look at Africa yesterday and today, through documentaries, fiction, recordings, concerts, event programs but also a new educational offer on its linear and digital antennas.

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