Born without penis, he will have his first sexual intercourse at 44 (photos)

A man from Manchester, England, Andrew Wardle, 44, born without a penis due to a rare illness, will finally lose his virginity with the implantation of a bionic phallus of £50,000 ($88,126).

Born with an ectopic bladder (formed on the outside of his belly), which prevents the development of his penis, Andrew Wardle has been living for more than 40 years with testicles, but no penis.

This disease affects only one in 20 million men.

Andrew Wardle underwent a four-year surgical procedure for a bionic penis transplant made from skin removed from his arm, which can be inflated to form a penis. The final stage of this medical intervention took place Friday at London University Hospital.

No less than 15 operations were required to replace his reproductive organ and to provide Mr. Wardle with a channel for urination.

With this surgery, Andrew Wardle and his wife Fedra Fabian look forward to this new chapter in their lives, they will have to wait for six weeks before knowing if the surgery has worked. The man will also live with an erection that must last no less than 10 days.

In an interview with DailyMail, Andrew Wardle said he was happy with the change that is changing his life.

“I’m very excited to be able to move forward, but I think making love for the first time is important to me.”

“I spent 44 years without a penis and I managed to not have sex all this time, it will take me a little time to get to work.”

“Of course, I can not wait for my first intercourse, but for me it’s not the ultimate goal. This is an advantage of the operation. It will allow me to feel part of society.”

Andrew has a long-time girlfriend, Fedra Fabian, with whom he can share this pleasure.

“I feel good because they gave me painkillers, but I’m sure I’ll feel a little pain later, I feel different”.

“I’m very aware that there is robotics in me, but it’s part of me now, I’m very aware that I’m half human, half robot, I’m like the bionic man.”

He had suffered mental health problems because of his physical condition.

“My doctor knew about my depression and my suicide attempts. It’s hard to live like this, “he said.

Wardle’s operation cost him 50,000 pounds.

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