“Chill, Greta”: Trump criticizes Thunberg as the person of the year

US President Donald Trump has responded to the choice of Time magazine to declare Greta Thunberg “Person of the Year.” He called the decision “ridiculous” and advises the 16-year-old climate activist to do anger management.

Thunberg was named ‘Person of the Year’ by the prestigious magazine yesterday. The shortlist of contenders also included the Hong Kong protest movement, the whistleblowers, the speaker of the American House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi, and Trump himself.

The Swedish received the honorary title for her fight for the climate. “Thunberg became the icon of a generation, a powerful voice that warns of the greatest challenge on our planet,” the magazine explained. But the American president, who received the honorary title in 2016, clearly would have preferred a different laureate, according to an angry tweet.

“Chill, Greta”: Trump criticizes Thunberg as the person of the year
Greta Thunberg on the cover of Time.

“So ridiculous. Greta must work on her Anger Management problem,” writes Trump. “Then go to a good old fashioned movie with a friend,” he adds. “Chill Greta, Chill!”

The activist has adjusted her Twitter bio in response. It now says that she is “a teenager working on her anger control, who is currently relaxing and watching a movie with a friend.”

In September, the US president cynically lashed out at Thunberg after her thunderous speech at the United Nations Climate Summit. She looks like a thrilled young girl looking forward to a bright and beautiful future. “Nice to see!’”

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