China bans reality TV shows and bans men from dressing ‘too feminine’

The Chinese government is tightening the thumbscrews for the entertainment industry. For example, certain reality TV programs are banned, and men are no longer allowed to dress up “too feminine”.

Beijing is cleaning up the sector, which has been marked by a series of scandals in recent months. Earlier this month, former K-pop star Kris Wu was arrested on suspicion of rape, and actress Zheng Shuang was fined $45 million for tax evasion.

The national regulator of TV and radio stations has announced in a press release that television channels and online platforms are no longer allowed to broadcast programs “that develop idolatry”. Variety shows and reality TV shows are also banned.

Talent hunts

Talent shows, in particular, are targeted. In order to vote for their favorite contestant, viewers often have to buy sponsored products, and the government wants to get rid of that.

iQiyi, the Chinese equivalent of Netflix, is suspending all talent shows still in development. Inciting fans to buy products in order to vote is now also prohibited.

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