Congolese presidential candidate cheers with Belgian fake diploma

The diploma that the Congolese presidential candidate Felix Tshisekedi submitted when registering his candidacy for the presidential election is invalid. He would have obtained the diploma in Belgium, but the institution in question, does not even offer that qualifications, writes La Libre Belgique.
Rumours about Tshisekedi’s “fake diplomas” have been running for months, and La Libre Belgique now says that it has received confirmation from the university college in question.
The document that Tshisekedi submitted to the Congolese election committee CENI states that he obtained a degree in marketing and communication in the academic year 1990-1991 at the Brussels university college ‘l’Institut des careers commerciales’.
However, the educational institution says that the diploma cannot be obtained from them, and the document therefore does not come from the school. The consequence of this, according to La Libre that the candidature of Tshisekedi may be declared invalid, and that talks are taking place between the Front commun pour Congo (FCC), the election platform established by Kabila, and the platform of Vital Kamerhe and Felix Tshisekedi.