Cries of those displaced in Bunia, DRC

The IDPs in Djugu territory in the Democratic Republic of Congo of a number more than 300,000. About 40,000 of them are in Bunia, where they are fleeing the massacres that have already claimed more than 120 lives.
Meet some of those displaced, who remember their forced departure. Machete in his right hand, Achille builds a small hut for his mother in this IDP camp
He, his four children, his wife, and his mother traveled more than a hundred kilometers on foot in three days before reaching Bunia.
For this father, the nightmare began the evening of February 27, in the village of Rulé when dozens of people armed with machetes, spears and rifles burst into the village, the residents had nothing to fight, so they made the decision to leave.

Achille and his family had barely left the village when the attackers “started directly burning houses, then killed our families.”
That evening, according to Achilles’ story, about fifty people were killed, including his father.
“The cries of moms and men they kill”
Alice is also a survivor of Rule, who has also traveled more than a hundred kilometers on foot, with her three children. When she left, she saw “behind the burning houses, the cries of mothers and men they kill”.
Her 11-month-old baby in the arms, Alice, who lost many of her cousins that night, still does not know who these people are, or even their motives.
These men “came to the village, we do not know why, but they began to kill the villagers,” laments the woman, who has not seen her husband since the attack.
In Bunia, there are more than 40,000 displaced people from Djugu territory. Most of them are living in host families and more than 3,000 are in the camp.