Death of Spider-Man screenwriter

Alvin Sargent, author of Spider-Man 2 in 2004 and Spider-Man 3 in 2007, died naturally Thursday at home in Seattle.
He also rewrote in 2012 the script of the movie “The Amazing Spider-Man”. Sargent began his career as a television writer before moving to the big screen in 1966 with “Gambit”, a comedic thriller starring Michael Caine.

He then nominated for Oscars in 1974 for “Paper Moon”, an American comedy-drama film set in Kansas and Missouri during the Great Depression.
In 1977, he won his first Oscar for “Julia”, a Holocaust drama based on the personal writings of Lillian Hellman; then his second in 1980 for “Ordinary People”, a film about a family in mourning.
Sargent was married in 2010 to producer Laura Ziskin, after more than 25 years together.
She died in 2011 from breast cancer.