Deserted cities in the world due to Coronavirus [Pictures]

A million cities worldwide are desolate: empty streets, closed cafes and restaurants, and more and more shops closing their doors. Whoever goes on the road, wears a mask.

The corona crisis hits the global economy at its heart. Tourist attractions have suddenly become deserted places and will remain so in the coming weeks—a photo overview.

Only three officers populate the Esplanade du Trocadero, the square in front of the Eiffel Tower in Paris.
©AFP – Only three officers populate the Esplanade du Trocadero, the square in front of the Eiffel Tower in Paris.
On the Santa Monica pier near Los Angeles, California, all shops are virtually closed.
©AP – On the Santa Monica pier near Los Angeles, California, all shops are virtually closed.
An almost empty shopping center in Canada's largest city, Toronto.
©REUTERS – An almost empty shopping center in Canada’s largest city, Toronto.
A homeless person also wears a mask on a deserted street in Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina.
©REUTERS – A homeless person also wears a mask on a deserted street in Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina.
Empty terraces in the center of Rome.
©EPA – Empty terraces in the center of Rome.
It is normal to walk on the Ramblas in Barcelona.
©REUTERS – It is normal to walk on the Ramblas in Barcelona.
Cowboy, America's most famous street musician, will be performing with a mouth mask in the near future.
Cowboy, America’s most famous street musician, will be performing with a mouth mask in the near future.
Empty terraces in the center of Rome.
©EPA – Empty terraces in the center of Rome.
Times Square in Manhattan (New York City) the advertising screens twinkle as normal, but there is hardly a soul to be seen.
©AFP – On Times Square in Manhattan (New York City) the advertising screens twinkle as normal, but there is hardly a soul to be seen.
The Alexanderplatz in Berlin, normally one of the busiest shopping streets in the German capital.
©Michael Kappeler/DPA – The Alexanderplatz in Berlin, normally one of the busiest shopping streets in the German capital.
An empty square in front of The Sydney Opera House in the Australian metropolis of the same name.
©REUTERS – An empty square in front of The Sydney Opera House in the Australian metropolis of the same name.
This bagpipe player is brave at an empty Westminster Bridge in London.
©REUTERS – This bagpipe player is brave at an empty Westminster Bridge in London.
A passer-by with a mask on Sunday passed the deserted St. Peter's Square in Vatican City (Rome). The Pope now gives his weekly sermon via the Internet.
©EPA – A passer-by with a mask on Sunday passed the deserted St. Peter’s Square in Vatican City (Rome). The Pope now gives his weekly sermon via the Internet.

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