Dog was buried alive and was horribly maimed, today she is alive again

A severely mistreated dog found near-death rather than alive on a beach in Hawaii in July has miraculously recovered. The animal shelter where the four-footer was brought in, initially estimated the chances of survival of bitch Leialoha to be very small. But a host family where she was allowed to recover has succeeded in giving the severely neglected animal a good future again.

Animal shelter ‘PAWS of Hawaii’ shared a shocking story on Facebook last summer about a dog that had been buried alive on the beach by its owner. “She was completely swollen, burned and lost 90 percent of her coat,” it sounded. The dog also had ulcers everywhere and deep cuts in one of her paws. These were probably applied with a machete.

Employees of the shelter hurried with the dog to a veterinarian. Soon they got the good news that she would recover physically.

Dog was buried alive and was horribly maimed, today she is alive again
©Paws of Hawaii – Leiahola.

“She is doing better already,” says the shelter in July. “She has eaten and drunk. She is still very tired, and there is not much life in it, but she is well cared for. She has anemia, a low number of platelets and a lot of white blood cells. But fortunately, she doesn’t have a parvo (a contagious and potentially fatal dog disease, ed.), Ehrlichia (a parasite that infects the white blood cells, ed.) or heartworms. She’s not fit enough to get vaccinations yet, but she’ll be back soon for control and further care.”


A day later, the dog was washed carefully. “Our beautiful girl got her first bath today,” said the animal shelter. “She was bleeding all over her body.” PAWS of Hawaii also made a call to donate money to care for the animal, named Leialoha. A day later, more than $1,500 had already been raised.

Dog was buried alive and was horribly maimed, today she is alive again
©Paws of Hawaii – Leiahola.

A resident of Hawaii then adopted the sick animal and cared for it so well that the dog is now going through life again, barking and wagging. Leialoha, according to the reception, is not traumatized but is sometimes still anxious. She is also a bit difficult because the cuts in her left front leg were intense.

Dog was buried alive and was horribly maimed, today she is alive again
©Paws of Hawaii – Leiahola.

Paws or Hawaii

Once the muscles and tendons have fully recovered, the animal can almost certainly walk normally again. The owner, who once maimed her and hid her under the sand was never arrested.

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