DRC: Boat mishap kill 50 in the Northwest

Terrible balance sheet in the Democratic Republic of Congo after the death of 50 people following the sinking of a boat. The tragedy unfolded on Wednesday in the northwest of the country on the Momboyo River.

The sinking took place precisely at the Wassanya level, in the territory of Monkoto, in the Tshuapa province, in the northwest of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The drama occurred in the night of Wednesday to Thursday.

The whaling boat, a large wooden boat, made the connection between Monkoto-Mbandaka. Several dozens of passengers were on board as well a large quantity of goods.

Log of wood

According to Mustafa Bosenge, the mayor of Boende, the capital of the province, the boat struck a log. The current was very strong that night, and he would have quickly taken the boat.

Fifty bodies were drafted according to the Agence France Presse quoting the vice-governor of the province, Richard Mboyo Iluka. The number of missing persons is still unknown. A provincial government mission has been sent to the site and research is ongoing.

Frequent shipwrecks

Shipwrecks are frequent in the Democratic Republic of Congo on lakes, rivers or rivers. Balance sheets are often high due to the overloading of boats and their obsolescence. Also lack of lifejackets and the fact that the majority of people do not know how to swim. Last month, for example, some 40 people drowned in the Ubangi River.

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