End well, all good! Blind horse and her guide pony were adopted together

The friendship between two a Limburgian horse and a pony goes very far. At the Bird and Wildlife Center in Heusden-Zolder a neglected horse was brought in, which also turned out to be blind. The pony was taken away from the same owners. “We were looking for a new owner, but he has to take both horses”, says manager Rudy Oyen. Reason: the pony is actually the “blind-guided” buddy of the horse.
“Very nice to see. The horse is effectively blind and could not survive without help. We tested that. It just listens where the pony goes, follows and finds the feeding and drinking trough. But sometimes it also chuckles, and the pony comes by itself to help his buddy. This works, but one really needs the other. “Meanwhile, new owners from Geetbets have already reported. “They have a meadow of two hectares where the duo can trot to their heart’s content.”