Eto’o fires back to pastor who predicted his death: “no one predicts Covid-19”

Legendary Cameroonian footballer Samuel Eto’o has decided to respond to the prediction following the prophecy of Pastor Christ Imela Joshua concerning his death.

Recalled that the Reverend Christ Imela Joshua, Moderator of the Divine Consolation Catholic Church based in Anono, Ivory Coast, is said to have recently had a revelation about the death of Samuel Eto’o, former captain of the Indomitable Lions of Cameroon.

The Reverend predicted that Samuel Eto’s death would be similar to that of the Ivorian singer Arafat DJ that prematurely died in a brutal accident on August 12, 2019. A death which, according to him, will happen following a motorcycle accident as was the case for Arafat DJ.

Christ Imela, during his prayer section Facebook page, wrote that: “Let’s pray for Samuel Eto’o Fils. I see a premature Arafat departure. Amos 3:7 God does nothing without revealing it to His prophets,” wrote Christ Imela Joshua on his Facebook page.

A statement that did not go down well with the former Cameroonian player. He reacted furiously to the message on his social network:

“To have visions on the death of a person, you are champions. But to see that the world was to undergo an unprecedented health crisis, we saw no one. I would pass one day… Adrenaline, 💉💉💉💉” replied Samuel Eto’o.

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One Comment

  1. Eto that is a good answer to that prophet of death. What is his prophecy about COVID-19, they have reduced God to a ill wisher of people who make something in life. Fame and riches come from God.

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